Short-term mission trips can be a great way to experience God's work in the world and make a difference in the lives of others. However, if not done carefully, they can also do more harm than good.

That's why we take the ideas from the book "When Helping Hurts" written by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert and apply them to our short-term mission trips locally and internationally.

  • In their book, Corbett and Fikkert argue that many short-term mission trips are harmful because they are based on a paternalistic model of aid. This model sees the people in need as helpless victims who need to be rescued by outsiders. As a result, short-term mission trips often focus on providing handouts and quick fixes, rather than on building relationships and empowering local communities. This can lead to dependency, resentment, and even exploitation.

We believe that short-term mission trips can be done in a way that avoids harm and actually helps people. Here are a few of the principles we follow:

Do Your Research:
Before you go on a short-term mission trip, take the time to learn about the community you will be visiting. What are their needs? What are their strengths? What are their goals?

Partner with Local Organization:
Partner with local organizations that have a deep understanding of the community and its needs. This will help you ensure that your work is actually helpful and sustainable.

Focus on Relationships:
Don't just come in and do a few projects and then leave. Take the time to build relationships with the people you are serving. This will help you understand their needs and how you can best help them.

Empower Local People:
Don't just come in and do things for people. Help them to develop their own skills and resources so that they can help themselves. This will help ensure that your work is sustainable in the long term.

We believe that short-term mission trips can be a powerful tool for good. But they must be done in a way that avoids harm and actually helps people. By following the principles outlined above, you can help ensure that your short-term mission trip is a success.

If you are interested in learning more about our approach to short-term mission trips, please contact us. We would be happy to answer any questions you have. We can help you design and/or lead trips to NYC area or anywhere around the world.

Previous Trips:

New York City

Greece (Athens)
Ecuador (Quito)
India (Calcutta, Kerala, New Delhi, Siliguri)
Rwanda (Kigali)